Heritage Foods Limited

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Standalone 29 th Annual Report 2020-21 | 157 Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 March 2021 (All amounts in ₹ millions, except share data and where otherwise stated) Particulars For the year ended 31 March 2021 31 March 2020 Cash fl ow from operating activities Pro fi t/(loss) before tax 1,961.86 (1,446.76) Adjustments: Fair value loss on FVTPL securities 48.12 5,116.06 Gain due to changes in fair value of derivative liabilities - (2,944.89) Depreciation and amortization expense 440.54 480.36 Impairment losses 42.67 7.42 Provision for doubtful advances 0.31 - Provision for doubtful debts 3.75 4.85 Advances written o ff 0.66 0.46 (Pro fi t)/ Loss on sale of PPE (17.96) 7.06 Provisions no longer required/ credit balances written back (16.41) (16.69) Interest income (1.76) (3.37) Interest expenses 171.33 200.28 Guarantee Income (3.61) (2.58) Property, plant and equipment written o ff 6.18 - Lease income (13.55) (17.40) Dividend income on long term investments - (0.40) Operating pro fi ts before working capital changes 2,622.13 1,384.40 Movements in working capital: Changes in inventories (521.33) (43.35) Changes in trade receivables 61.87 183.88 Changes in loans (9.31) (11.58) Changes in other assets (1.37) (28.25) Changes in other fi nancial assets (0.03) 5.28 Changes in trade payables (240.75) (58.95) Changes in provisions 30.20 32.65 Changes in government grant (0.30) (0.14) Changes in other fi nancial liabilities 214.70 (37.93) Changes in other liabilities (0.64) 9.75 Cash generated from operating activities 2,155.17 1,435.76 Income tax paid, net (513.90) (191.62) Net cash generated from operating activities (A) 1,641.27 1,244.14 Cash fl ow from investing activities Purchase of PPE and other intangible assets, including CWIP and intangible assets under development (911.15) (1,029.72) Proceeds from sale of PPE 262.99 35.29 (Purchase)/ Sale of investments held in equity instruments and government securities 1,363.71 (0.01) Investment in a joint venture (66.31) - Investment in a subsidiary - (75.00)