Heritage Foods Limited

Heritage Foods Limited 174 Summary of the signi fi cant accounting policies and other explanatory information (All amounts in ₹ millions, except share data and where otherwise stated) 6. Property, plant and equipment Land Buildings Leasehold improvements Plant and Equipment Furniture and fi xtures Freehold O ffi ce equipment Leasehold O ffi ce equipment Vehicles Right-of- use assets Total Gross Block Balance as at 31 March 2019 484.74 1,084.90 3.13 3,287.54 21.10 70.94 34.84 49.87 - 5,037.06 Transition impact of Ind AS 116 - - - - - - (34.84) - 102.33 67.49 Additions during the year 2.72 133.18 - 403.21 3.06 17.68 - 1.55 - 561.40 Disposals/transfers during the year (refer note (c) below) 52.83 75.86 - 275.58 1.03 11.72 - - - 417.02 Balance as at 31 March 2020 434.63 1,142.22 3.13 3,415.17 23.13 76.90 - 51.42 102.33 5,248.93 Additions during the year - 480.07 - 976.24 5.01 19.24 - 3.31 17.01 1,500.88 Disposals/transfers during the year 1.66 (9.04) - 105.11 0.55 3.67 - 0.34 - 102.29 Balance as at 31 March 2021 432.97 1,631.33 3.13 4,286.30 27.59 92.47 - 54.39 119.34 6,647.52 Accumulated depreciation Up to 31 March 2019 - 96.85 0.30 507.30 5.90 10.15 11.98 16.63 - 649.11 Transition impact of Ind AS 116 - - - - - - (11.98) - 11.98 - Depreciation charge for the year - 47.61 0.15 336.14 3.10 14.31 - 7.23 29.41 437.95 Adjustment for disposals/transfers (refer note (c) below) - 4.37 - 93.96 0.45 5.01 - - - 103.79 Impairment loss - - - 0.12 - 0.48 - - - 0.60 Up to 31 March 2020 - 140.09 0.45 749.60 8.55 19.93 - 23.86 41.39 983.87 Depreciation charge for the year - 49.25 0.15 309.40 3.05 14.53 - 6.83 38.18 421.39 Adjustment for disposals/transfers - 2.20 - 71.24 0.38 2.33 - 0.28 - 76.43 Impairment loss - - - 16.98 0.06 1.15 - - - 18.19 Up to 31 March 2021 - 187.14 0.60 1,004.74 11.28 33.28 - 30.41 79.57 1,347.02 Net carrying value As at 31 March 2020 434.63 1,002.13 2.68 2,665.57 14.58 56.97 - 27.56 60.94 4,265.06 As at 31 March 2021 432.97 1,444.19 2.53 3,281.56 16.31 59.19 - 23.98 39.77 5,300.50 Notes: (a) For details of assets pledged as security, refer note 19(a) to 19(b). (b) Borrowing cost capitalised during the year ended 31 March 2021 is ₹ 12.58 (31 March 2020: ₹ 5.82) (c) Include transfers made to Disposal group - Assets held for sale and Investment property. Gross block and accumulated depreciation of such assets aggregates to ₹ 257.64 and ₹ 24.32 respectively.