Heritage Foods Limited
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Standalone 29 th Annual Report 2020-21 | 191 Summary of the signi fi cant accounting policies and other explanatory information (All amounts in ₹ millions, except share data and where otherwise stated) 26 Other income Particulars For the year ended 31 March 2021 31 March 2020 Interest income - Bank and other deposits 1.68 3.37 - Others 0.08 - - Guarantee income 3.61 2.58 Dividend income on long term investments - 0.40 Subsidy transferred fromdeferred government grant (under capital subsidy scheme) 0.49 0.14 Lease rental income 13.55 17.40 Provisions no longer required/ credit balances written back 16.41 16.69 Gain on foreign exchange fl uctuations, net 0.63 2.42 Gain on sale of Property, plant and equipment (net) 17.96 - Other non operating income 29.66 40.24 84.07 83.24 27 Cost of materials consumed Particulars For the year ended 31 March 2021 31 March 2020 Raw Material* Opening stock 498.43 587.10 Add: Purchases during the year 17,318.09 20,601.21 Less: Closing stock 697.22 498.43 17,119.30 20,689.88 Packing Material* Opening stock 68.48 67.94 Add: Purchases during the year 680.85 815.94 Less: Closing stock 73.22 68.48 676.11 815.40 17,795.41 21,505.28 *Disclosed based on derived fi gures, rather than actual records of issue. 28 Changes in inventories of fi nished goods, semi fi nished goods, stock-in-trade andwork-in-progress Particulars For the year ended 31 March 2021 31 March 2020 Opening balance - Finished goods 649.30 465.67 - Semi fi nished goods 95.56 142.96 - Work-in-progress 5.08 10.64 - Stock-in-trade 16.59 15.28 766.53 634.55
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