Heritage Foods Limited
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Standalone 29 th Annual Report 2020-21 | 201 Summary of the signi fi cant accounting policies and other explanatory information (All amounts in ₹ millions, except share data and where otherwise stated) Lease rental income 0.54 1.83 Purchase/(sale) of Property, plant and equipment (0.14) 0.36 Expenditure incurred on behalf of HNL 0.75 0.77 Brand income 3.46 - (ii) Heritage Novandie Foods Private Limited Investment made (including fi nancial guarantee) 74.64 - Sale of products 0.10 - Financial guarantee income 1.23 0.24 Lease rental income 0.95 0.95 Rent deposit received - 0.45 Reimbursement of insurance proceeds received on behalf of HNFPL - 0.02 Expenditure incurred on behalf of HNFPL 1.86 0.10 (iii) Heritage Farmers Welfare Trust Lease rental income 0.13 0.13 Expenditure incurred on behalf of HFWT - 0.04 Purchase of Property, plant and equipment 1.45 - (iv) Heritage Finlease Limited Dividend received - 0.40 Remittance of loan proceeds collected on behalf of Heritage Finlease Limited 1,012.12 737.39 Disbursement of loans to employees of the Company 17.92 9.68 Cattle loan facilitation charges 2.03 1.54 (v) Nirvana Holdings Private Limited Dividend paid 12.86 10.29 (vi) NTR Memorial Trust CSR expenditure 9.98 22.28 Others 0.13 - (vii) N Bhuvaneswari Short-term employee bene fi ts 110.80 39.93 Post-employment bene fi ts 0.93 1.30 Other long-term bene fi ts 0.87 0.87 (viii) N Brahmani Short-term employee bene fi ts 88.64 31.95 Post-employment bene fi ts 0.47 0.65 (ix) M Sambasiva Rao Short-term employee bene fi ts 34.96 21.92 Post-employment bene fi ts 0.69 0.69 Other long-term bene fi ts 1.24 -
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