Heritage Foods Limited

Heritage Foods Limited 216 Statement of Pro fi t and Loss for the year ended 31 March 2021 (All amounts in ₹ millions, except share data and where otherwise stated) Particulars Notes For the year ended 31 March 2021 31 March 2020 Revenue from operations 25 24,731.13 27,259.04 Other income 26 80.33 88.67 Gain due to changes in fair value of derivative liabilities - 2,944.89 Total income 24,811.46 30,292.60 Expenses Cost of materials consumed 27 18,419.76 22,263.41 Purchase of stock-in-trade 266.85 119.67 Changes in inventories of fi nished goods, semi fi nished goods, stock-in-trade and work-in-progress 28 (312.95) (137.53) Employee bene fi ts expenses 29 1,778.87 1,563.90 Finance costs 30 191.80 226.34 Depreciation and amortisation expense 6, 7 & 8 462.26 501.33 Impairment losses 6 & 7 42.44 7.43 Other expenses 31 1,866.97 2,156.75 Fair value loss on FVTPL securities 48.12 5,116.06 Total expenses 22,764.12 31,817.36 Pro fi t/ ( loss ) before share of loss of an associate and a joint venture from continuing operations 2,047.34 ( 1,524.76 ) Share of loss of an associate and a joint venture (22.16) (9.01) Pro fi t/ ( loss ) before tax from continuing operations 2,025.18 ( 1,533.77 ) Tax expense 32 Current tax expense 516.40 185.94 Deferred tax expense/(bene fi t) 18.28 (32.48) Pro fi t/ ( loss ) for the year from continuing operations 1,490.50 ( 1,687.23 ) Discontinued operations Loss before tax 47 (7.49) (6.77) Tax expense - - Loss for the year from discontinued operations ( 7.49 ) ( 6.77 ) Pro fi t/ ( loss ) for the year 1,483.01 ( 1,694.00 ) Other comprehensive income Items that will not be reclassi fi ed to pro fi t or loss (i) Re-measurement loss on de fi ned bene fi t plan, net of taxes (3.84) (5.83) (ii) Net loss on FVTOCI equity securities (17.23) (1,705.99) Total other comprehensive loss for the year ( 21.07 ) ( 1,711.82 ) Total comprehensive income/ ( loss ) for the year 1,461.94 ( 3,405.82 ) Pro fi t/ ( loss ) for the year from continuing operations attributable to: - Owners of the Company 1,499.48 (1,603.12) - Non-controlling interest (8.98) (84.11) Loss for the year from discontinued operations attributable to: - Owners of the Company - -