Heritage Foods Limited

Heritage Foods Limited 254 Particulars For the year ended 31 March 2021 31 March 2020 Closing balance - Finished goods 666.03 666.91 - Semi fi nished goods 398.41 95.56 - Work-in-progress 5.41 5.08 - Stock-in-trade 27.42 16.77 1,097.27 784.32 ( 312.95 ) ( 137.53 ) 29. Employee bene fi ts expense Particulars For the year ended 31 March 2021 31 March 2020 Salaries and wages 1,572.26 1,365.10 Contribution to provident and other funds (refer note a below) 72.00 71.46 Gratuity expense (refer note 21(a)(iv)) 14.45 11.76 Compensated absences expense 74.85 76.12 Sta ff welfare expenses 45.31 39.46 1,778.87 1,563.90 (a) The amount recognized as an expense towards contribution to provident fund and employee state insurance schemes for the year ended 31 March 2021 amounts to ₹ 72.00 (31 March 2020: ₹ 71.46). 30. Finance costs Particulars For the year ended 31 March 2021 31 March 2020 Interest on borrowings calculated using e ff ective interest method 176.88 215.40 Interest on income tax 2.87 0.26 Interest on lease liabilities (refer note 43) 5.86 3.14 Other borrowing costs 6.19 7.54 191.80 226.34 31. Other expenses Particulars For the year ended 31 March 2021 31 March 2020 Consumption of stores and spares and consumables 210.31 239.24 Power and fuel 346.36 367.69 Rent 20.77 31.39 Repairs and maintenance - Buildings 6.02 10.70 - Plant and equipment 26.15 31.13 Summary of the signi fi cant accounting policies and other explanatory information (All amounts in ₹ millions, except share data and where otherwise stated)