Heritage Foods Limited | 30th Annual Report 2021-22

Financial Statements Company Overview Statutory Reports 115 Composition, name of members and chairperson: Name Designation Category Mr. Rajesh Thakur Ahuja Chairperson Non Executive Independent Director Mr. N. Srivishnu Raju Member Non Executive Independent Director Mrs. N Bhuvaneswari Member Executive Director Mrs. Aparna Surabhi Member Non Executive Independent Woman Director Two (2) Risk Management committee meetings were held during the financial year 2021-22 on October 21, 2021 & March 25, 2022. Risk Management committee Attendance: Name No. of Meetings Held Attended Mr. Rajesh Thakur Ahuja 2 2 Mr. N. Srivishnu Raju 2 1 Mrs. N Bhuvaneswari 2 2 Mrs. Aparna Surabhi 2 2 Mrs. N Brahmani, Executive Director, Dr. M Sambasiva Rao, President and Mr. A Prabhakara Naidu Chief Financial Officer of the Company are permanent invites to the Committee Meeting, Mr. Umakanta Barik Company Secretary & Compliance Officer of the Company is the Secretary to the Committee. 5(b).Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (CSR) The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee is constituted in pursuance to the Provision of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made there under as amended from time to time. The Committee’s prime responsibility is to assist the Board in discharging its responsibilities by way of formulating and monitoring implementation of the framework of ‘Corporate Social Responsibility policy’ observe good practices at all levels, and to suggest remedial measures wherever necessary. The Committee’s constitution and terms of reference meet with the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules made thereof as amended from time to time Composition of the Committee as on March 31, 2022: Name Designation Category Mr. Rajesh Thakur Ahuja Chairperson Non Executive Independent Director Mr. N. Srivishnu Raju Member Non Executive Independent Director Mrs. N. Bhuvaneswari Member Executive Director The committee shall be overseeing the activities/ functioning with regards to Company’s project/ works of implementing partners, being an external agency for implementation of the CSR activities of the Company and identifying the areas of CSR activities, programs and execution of initiatives as per pre- defined guidelines/policy. Three (3) CSR Committee meetings were held during the financial year 2021-22. These were held on May 19, 2021, October 21, 2021 and March 25, 2022. The attendance details of the Committee Meeting are as follows:- CSR Committee Attendance: Name No. of Meetings Held Attended Mr. Rajesh Thakur Ahuja 3 3 Mr. N. Srivishnu Raju 3 2 Mrs. N. Bhuvaneswari 3 3 Mrs. N Brahmani, Executive Director, Dr. M Sambasiva Rao, President and Mr. A Prabhakara Naidu Chief Financial Officer of the Company are permanent invitees to the Committee Meeting. Mr. Umakanta Barik Company Secretary & Compliance Officer of the Company is the Secretary to the Committee. 5(c). Management Committee The terms of reference of the Management Committee is to consider and dispose off any day to day matters, with a view to ensure smooth operations and timely action/ compliances. The Committee meets at frequent intervals and disposes matters which are of urgent in nature without having to wait for the next Board Meeting and those items are not statutory require for the approval of the Board. Composition, name of members and chairperson: Name Designation Category Mr. Aparna Surabhi Chairperson Non-Executive Independent Woman Director Mr. N. Srivishnu Raju Member Non-Executive Independent Director Mr. M.P. Vijay Kumar* Member Non-Executive Independent Director Mrs. N. Bhuvaneswari Member Executive Director # Mr. M.P. Vijay Kumar has been appointed as a member of the Management Committee w.e.f January 21, 2022. Seven (7) Management Committee meetings were held during the financial year 2021-22. These were held on April 19, 2021, June 21, 2021, August 24, 2021, September 27, 2021, November 24, 2021, December 12, 2021 and February 23, 2022. The attendance details of the Committee Meeting are as follows:- Corporate Governance