Heritage Foods Limited | 30th Annual Report 2021-22

30 th Annual Report 2021-22 Heritage Foods Limited 154 6(a) Capital Work-in-Progress: Particulars As at 31 March 2022 31 March 2021 (i) Ageing schedule of capital work-in-progress (CWIP) Projects in progress < 1 Year 69.82 140.03 1-2 Years 0.88 13.06 2-3 Years 2.51 1.38 > 3 Years 0.52 - Projects in progress (total) 73.73 154.47 Projects temporarily suspended - - (ii) The Company does not have any material CWIP which is overdue or has exceeded its cost compared to its original plan and hence the disclosure of CWIP completion schedule is not applicable. 7. Other intangible assets Computer Software Brand Non-compete Procurement network Distribution Network Total Gross Block As at 1 April 2020 49.70 74.55 32.18 43.20 50.25 249.88 Additions during the year 14.35 - - - - 14.35 As at 31 March 2021 64.05 74.55 32.18 43.20 50.25 264.23 Additions during the year 26.51 - - - - 26.51 As at 31 March 2022 90.56 74.55 32.18 43.20 50.25 290.74 Accumulated amortization Up to 1 April 2020 26.83 74.55 31.86 25.66 29.85 188.75 Amortization charge for the year 8.14 - 0.32 4.15 5.17 17.78 Impairment charge for the year - - - 9.12 9.91 19.03 Up to 31 March 2021 34.97 74.55 32.18 38.93 44.93 225.56 Amortization charge for the year 11.69 - - 4.15 5.17 21.01 Impairment charge for the year - - - - - - Up to 31 March 2022 46.66 74.55 32.18 43.08 50.10 246.57 Net carrying amount As at 31 March 2021 29.08 - - 4.27 5.32 38.67 As at 31 March 2022 43.90 - - 0.12 0.15 44.17 7(a) Intangible assets under development: As at 31 March 2022 31 March 2021 (i) Ageing schedule of Intangible assets under development (IAUD) Projects in progress < 1 Year 0.49 15.75 1-2 Years 0.60 7.67 2-3 Years - 0.71 > 3 Years - - Projects in progress (total) 1.09 24.13 Projects temporarily suspended - - (ii) The Company does not have any material IAUD which is overdue or has exceeded its cost compared to its original plan and hence the disclosure of IAUD completion schedule is not applicable. Summary of the significant accounting policies and other explanatory information (All amounts in ` millions, except share data and where otherwise stated)