Heritage Foods Limited | 30th Annual Report 2021-22

30 th Annual Report 2021-22 Heritage Foods Limited 180 48. Research and development expenses For the year ended 31 March 2022 31 March 2021 Capital expenditure 0.92 11.14 Revenue expenditure 8.07 1.87 Total 8.99 13.01 49. Disclosure under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 The creditors covered by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (“the MSMED Act, 2006”) have been identified on the basis of information available with the Company. The auditors have placed reliance on the information provided by the management. Disclosures in respect of the amounts payable to such parties are given below: As at 31 March 2022 31 March 2021 (i) The principal amount remaining unpaid as at the end of the year. 77.02 34.89 (ii) The amount of interest accrued and remaining unpaid on (i) above. - - (iii) Amount of interest paid by the Company in terms of Section 16, of the MSMED Act, 2006 along with the amounts of payments made beyond the appointed date during the year. - - (iv) The amount of interest due and payable for the period (where the principal has been paid but interest under the MSMED Act, 2006 not paid) - - (v) The amount of further interest remaining due and payable in the succeeding years, until such date when the interest dues as above are actually paid to the small enterprises for the purpose of disallowance as a deductible expenditure under Section 23 of the MSMED Act, 2006. - - Notes: Explanation - The terms ‘appointed day’, ‘buyer’, ‘enterprise’, ‘micro enterprise’, ‘small enterprise’ and ‘supplier’ shall have the same meaning as assigned to them under clauses (b), (d), (e), (h), (m) and (n) respectively of section 2 of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006. 50. Additional information as required under paragraph 5 of the part II of the Schedule III to the Act to the extent either “Nil” or “Not Applicable” has not been furnished. This is the summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information referred to in our report of even date. Summary of the significant accounting policies and other explanatory information (All amounts in ` millions, except share data and where otherwise stated) For Walker Chandiok & Co LLP For and on behalf of Board of Directors of Chartered Accountants Heritage Foods Limited Firm’s Registration No: 001076N/N500013 N Bhuvaneswari N Brahmani M Sambasiva Rao Vice Chairperson and Executive Director President Managing Director DIN: 02338940 DIN: 00003741 Sanjay Kumar Jain Srideep Madhavan Nair Kesavan A Prabhakara Naidu Umakanta Barik Partner Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary & Membership No: 207660 M.No.FCA 200974 Compliance Officer M.No. FCS 6317 Place : Hyderabad Place : Hyderabad Date : 27 May 2022 Date : 27 May 2022