Heritage Foods Limited | 30th Annual Report 2021-22

Improving consumer proximity We as a company stand for health and happiness. Alongside of launching new, innovative and delicious products that have an array of health benefits, we are also working towards improving our time to market and providing superior consumer experience. In the era of increased consumption of internet and digital platforms, we are also embracing these disruptive technologies to ensure convenience and better experience for our customers. We have launched our own app – Heritage TUCH – with the endeavour to provide safe and hassle-free home delivery of our products to our customers in Hyderabad. The app is one-click solution for fulfilling all the dairy product needs of our customers which is delivered at their doorstep. Downloads 1.2 Lakhs+ Consumers served 0.10 Lakhs+ Scan the QR code to download the app Heritage Foods Limited 30 th Annual Report 2021-22 36