Heritage Foods Limited | 31st Annual Report 2022-23

9. Details of performance and career development reviews of employees and workers: Category FY2023 FY2022 Total (A) No. (B) % (B/A) Total (C) No. (D) % (D/C) Employees Male 3150 3150 100% 2951 2951 100% Female 62 62 100% 58 58 100% Total 3212 3212 100% 3009 3009 100% Workers Male 2039 0 0% 0 0 0% Female 1097 0 0% 0 0 0% Total 3136 0 0% 0 0 0% 10. Health and safety management system: a. Whether an occupational health and safety management system has been implemented by the entity? (Yes/ No). If yes, the coverage such system? The Company has implemented OHSAS 18001 for ensuring the health and well-being of its employees. Awareness sessions are conducted on safety related aspects for the employees. Training related to Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) and Total Productive Maintenance are also provided. The Company is focused on both, the physical and mental health of its employees and has organised various programmes and discussions with well-being specialists and medical practitioners. b. What are the processes used to identify work-related hazards and assess risks on a routine and non-routine basis by the entity? The entity employs a range of processes to systematically identify work-related hazards and assess risks on both routine and non-routine bases. These processes are instrumental in ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for employees. • Gemba walk • Hazard identification & Risk assessment with Shop floor people • Internal and External audit • Why-why analysis c. Whether you have processes for workers to report work related hazards and to remove themselves from such risks. (Y/N) Yes, the Company has processes for workers to report the work-related hazards and to remove themselves from such risks. d. Do the employees/ worker of the entity have access to non-occupational medical and healthcare services? (Yes/ No) : No 11. Details of safety related incidents, in the following format: Safety Incident /Number Category FY2023 FY2022 Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) (per one million-person hours worked) Employees Nil Nil Workers Total recordable work-related injuries Employees Nil Nil Workers No. of fatalities Employees Nil Nil Workers High consequence work-related injury or ill-health (excluding fatalities) Employees Nil Nil Workers 119 BRSR | Statutory Reports