Heritage Foods Limited | 31st Annual Report 2022-23

Essential Indicators 1. Details of Social Impact Assessments (SIA) of projects undertaken by the Company, based on applicable laws, in the current financial year. Name and brief details of project SIA Notification No. Date of notification Whether conducted by independent external agency (Yes / No) Results communicated in public domain (Yes / No) Relevant Web link Company has not undertaken any social impact assessment of its projects 2. Provide information on project(s) for which ongoing Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) is being undertaken by the Company, in the following format: S. No. Name of Project for which R&R is ongoing State District No. of Project Affected Families (PAFs) % of PAFs covered by R&R Amount paid to PAFs in the FY (In INR) Nil 3. Describe the mechanisms to receive and redress grievances of the community. The Company understands the importance of providing community members with accessible channels to report their grievances and concerns. It has established a comprehensive system that enables community members to voice their grievances through various communication channels. By actively listening to community concerns, following up on communications, and maintaining transparent processes, the Company strives to build strong community relationships and foster a collaborative environment. 4. Percentage of input material (inputs to total inputs by value) sourced from suppliers: Parameter FY2023 FY 2022 Directly sourced from MSMEs/small producers 22.65% 30.09% Sourced directly from within the district and neighbouring districts 0.00% 0.00% • The Company shall start monitoring and reporting this data in future Leadership Indicators 1. Provide details of actions taken to mitigate any negative social impacts identified in the Social Impact Assessments (Reference: Question 1 of Essential Indicators above): Details of negative social impact identified Corrective action taken Nil 2. Provide the following information on CSR projects undertaken by the Company in the designated aspirational districts as identified by government bodies: S. No. State Aspirational District Amount spent (In INR) NA During FY 2022-23, the Company has spent ₹19.23 million on various projects in the Hyderabad and Rangareddy districts of Telangana State. The unspent amount of ₹11.13 millions was transferred to unspent CSR account and will be spent in accordance with the CSR Amendment Rules. 3. (a) Do you have a preferential procurement policy where you give preference to purchase from suppliers comprising marginalized /vulnerable groups? (Yes/No) Yes. The company procures the raw milk mostly from the small & marginal farmers, through its representatives. (b) From which marginalized /vulnerable groups do you procure? Small & Marginal farmers (c) What percentage of total procurement (by value) does it constitute? 95% of the milk procured directly from farmers Heritage Foods Limited | 31st Annual report 2022-23 132