Heritage Foods Limited | 31st Annual Report 2022-23

Review of operations Financial Year Revenue from operation (INR in Million) EBITDA (INR in Million) PAT (INR in Million) FY 23 32,087 1,449 659 FY22 26,429 1,873 1,015 FY21 24,070 2,565 1,452 FY20 26,811 (769)* (1,600)* FY19 24,823 1,924 834 * EBITDA and PAT is after considering the Fair value gain on FVTPL equity shares and loss due to changes in derivative liabilities of Investments in FRL. Revenue trends (D in million) 24,823 FY19 26,811 FY20 24,070 FY21 26,429 FY22 32,087 FY23 During FY23, the Company received 63.95% of its revenue from the milk segment, followed by 29.05% from value-added products, 4.68% from fat products, 1.7% from ice cream, and 2.18% from Animal Nutrition (a subsidiary of Heritage Nutrivet) and Yoghurt-Manie Yova (a joint venture of Heritage Novandie). Dairy vertical The dairy division forms the fl agship business vertical of Heritage Foods Ltd. It accounts for nearly 99.98% of the total revenue. The 4-year revenue of the dairy vertical is given below: Dairy revenue (D in million) 24,792 FY19 26,794 FY20 24,065 FY21 26,413 FY22 32,080 FY23 Value Added Products Revenue (D in million) 6,190 FY19 7,222 FY20 5,825 FY21 6,958 FY22 9,322 FY23 Renewable energy vertical The Company endeavouring to increase its green footprint, began the journey towards clean energy by investing in renewable energy projects, primarily for captive consumption. Captive solar and wind power plants have been installed and distributed throughout the plants of the Company. A total of 10.50 MW of renewable energy, including 6.30 MW of installed capacity power and 4.20 MW of installed capacity solar power, is generated for captive consumption. 4.20 MW from installed solar power plants 6.30 MW from installed wind power plants 10.50 MW of renewable energy generated 141 MDA | Statutory Reports