Heritage Foods Limited | 31st Annual Report 2022-23

21. Deferred tax liabilities (net) As at 31 March 2023 31 March 2022 Deferred tax liabilities arising on account of: Property, Plant and Equipment (“PPE”) 364.47 350.16 364.47 350.16 Deferred tax assets arising on account of: Provision for trade receivables and advances (21.36) (20.27) Provision for employee benefi ts (70.12) (64.41) Receipt of government grant (21.25) (22.93) Interest on GST liability (8.69) (8.69) Right-of-use assets (4.17) (1.37) Revaluation of investments at FVTOCI to fair value (0.62) (0.62) (126.21) (118.29) 238.26 231.87 Movement in deferred tax liabilities, net Borrowings Property, plant and equipment Provision for employee benefits Receipt of government grant Interest on GST liability Others Total As at 1 April 2021 0.81 303.05 (60.37) - - (5.80) 237.69 Charged - to Statement of Profi t and Loss (0.81) 47.11 (3.96) (22.93) (8.69) (16.46) (5.74) - to OCI - - (0.08) - - - (0.08) As at 31 March 2022 - 350.16 (64.41) (22.93) (8.69) (22.26) 231.87 Charged - to Statement of Profi t and Loss - 14.31 (4.68) 1.68 - (3.89) 7.42 - to OCI - - (1.03) - - - (1.03) As at 31 March 2023 - 364.47 (70.12) (21.25) (8.69) (26.15) 238.26 22. Other liabilities As at 31 March 2023 31 March 2022 Current Advances from customers* 124.96 29.33 Capital advances 1.50 6.25 Statutory dues payable 91.82 77.45 218.28 113.03 *represents contract liabilities against which the Company has recognized a revenue of ₹29.33 from the amounts included under advances from customers at the beginning of the year. 23. Trade payables As at 31 March 2023 31 March 2022 Total outstanding dues of micro and small enterprises 61.23 77.02 Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro and small enterprises 366.43 405.02 427.66 482.04 Summary of the significant accounting policies and other explanatory information (All amounts in ` millions, except share data and where otherwise stated) Heritage Foods Limited | 31st Annual report 2022-23 222