Heritage Foods Limited | 31st Annual Report 2022-23

42. Related party disclosures (a) Names of the related parties and nature of relationship Names of related parties Nature of relationship Heritage Novandie Foods Private Limited (“HNFPL”) Joint Venture SKIL Raigam Power (India) Limited Associate Heritage Finlease Limited Enterprise over which Vice-Chairperson & Managing Director, Executive Director and President of the Company exercise significant influence NTR Memorial Trust Enterprise over which Vice-Chairperson & Managing Director and Executive Director of the Company exercise significant influence Megabid Finance & Investment Private Limited Nirvana Holdings Private Limited Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer Hospital Executive Director of the Company is one of the trustee N Devaansh Relative of Executive Director and Vice-Chairpeson & Managing Director N Bhuvaneswari (Vice Chairperson and Managing Director) Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) N Brahmani (Executive Director) M Sambasiva Rao (President) Srideep Madhavan Nair Kesavan (Chief Executive Off icer) (eff ective from 28 July 2021) A Prabhakara Naidu (Chief Financial Off icer) Umakanta Barik (Company Secretary & Compliance Off icer) Srivishnu Raju Nandyala Non-Executive Independent Directors Rajesh Thakur Ahuja Aparna Surabhi Muthu Raju Paravasa Raju Vijay Kumar (eff ective from 1 November 2021) V. Nagaraja Naidu Non-Executive Director (b) Transactions with related parties For the year ended 31 March 2023 31 March 2022 Heritage Novandie Foods Private Limited Investment made (including fi nancial guarantee) 55.50 105.15 Sale of products 14.45 4.27 Purchase of products 0.04 0.01 Financial guarantee income 2.20 2.20 Lease rental income 1.09 1.09 Expenditure incurred on behalf of HNFPL 8.49 4.67 Heritage Finlease Limited Remittance of loan proceeds collected on behalf of Heritage Finlease Ltd 1,860.76 1,372.71 Cattle loan facilitation charges 3.76 2.58 Reimbursement of insurance proceeds received on behalf of Heritage Finlease Ltd - 0.03 Deposit paid 25.04 1.51 Lease rental paid 26.52 1.81 Lease rental income 0.04 0.05 Summary of the significant accounting policies and other explanatory information (All amounts in ` millions, except share data and where otherwise stated) Heritage Foods Limited | 31st Annual report 2022-23 298