Heritage Foods Limited | 31st Annual Report 2022-23

Fulfilling our social responsibility Heritage fi rmly believes in contributing to the community and aims to make a positive diff erence to the society at large. To fulfi l our responsibilities towards marginalised communities, we engage in numerous corporate social responsibility initiatives that aspire to improve lives. We want to make communities stronger and more resilient by promoting cultural diversity, economic development, sustainable food systems, social connection, and health and well-being. We also work for the welfare of dairy farmers through our Heritage Farmers Welfare activities (HFWA). Over the past years, we have worked with numerous farmers to improve dairy productivity and the quality of life of dairy farmers. Throughout the year, we have also implemented various farmer empowerment initiatives to constantly support the upliftment of rural areas. Initiatives undertaken as part of our CSR programme: Enabled insurance coverage for farmers Conducted veterinary healthcare services Off ered fi nancial assistance to the needy Provisioned nutritious cattle feed cattle were treated 141,751 Farmers were benefi tted 60,178 Cattle health camps were conducted 2,288 39 Nurturing environmental sustainability / Fulfilling our social responsibility | Corporate Overview