Heritage Foods Limited | 32nd Annual Report 2023-24

BRSR STRATEGIC REVIEW STATUTORY REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 101 HERITAGE FOODS LTD | 32ND ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24 2. Details of fines /penalties/punishment/award/compounding fees/settlement amount paid in proceedings (by the entity or by Directors/KMPs) with regulators/law enforcement agencies/judicial institutions, in the financial year: (Note: the entity shall make disclosures based on materiality as specified in Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and as disclosed on the entity’s website) Monetary NGRBC Principle Name of the regulatory/ enforcement agencies/ judicial institutions Amount (In INR) Brief of the Case Has an appeal Brief of the Case Has an appeal been preferred? (Yes/No) Penalty/ Fine Principle-1 Assistant Commissioner of Central Tax, Ameerpet GST Division, Hyderabad, Telangana 9,702 Penalty levied on account certain ineligible Input tax credit No Settlement Compounding fee Non-Monetary NGRBC Principle Name of the regulatory/ enforcement agencies/ judicial institutions Brief of the Case Has an appeal been preferred? (Yes/No) Imprisonment Nil Nil Nil Nil Punishment Nil Nil Nil Nil 3. Of the instances disclosed in Question 2 above, details of the Appeal/Revision preferred in cases where monetary or non-monetary action has been appealed. Case Details Name of the regulatory/enforcement agencies/judicial institutions Nil- not applicable 4. Does the Company have an anti-corruption or anti-bribery policy? If yes, provide details in brief and if available, provide a web-link to the policy. Yes, The Company has an anti-corruption and anti-bribery policy, the policy is to safeguard and promote legitimate business throughout the Company and to prevent and prohibit corruption, bribery and similar acts in connection with the Company. it is available on the website of the Company at https://www.heritagefoods.in/uploads/investors/ pdf/169095716345-Anti_Bribery_and_Anti-Corruption_Policy.pdf 5. Number of Directors/KMPs/employees/workers against whom disciplinary action was taken by any law enforcement agency for the charges of bribery/ corruption: FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23 Directors 0 0 KMPs 0 0 Employees 0 0 Workers 0 0 6. Details of complaints with regard to conflict of interest FY 2023-24 FY 2022-23 Number Remarks Number Remarks Number of complaints received in relation to issues of Conflict of Interest of the Directors 0 NA 0 NA Number of complaints received in relation to issues of Conflict of Interest of the KMPs 0 NA 0 Nil 7. Provide details of any corrective action taken or underway on issues related to fines / penalties / action taken by regulators/ law enforcement agencies/ judicial institutions, on cases of corruption and conflict of interest. There are no material fines, penalties levied, or actions taken by regulators, law enforcement agencies or judicial institutions related to cases of corruption and conflicts of interest, however Assistant Commissioner of Central Tax, Ameerpet GST Division, Hyderabad, Telangana levied a penalty of Rs,9,702 on account certain ineligible Input tax credit..