Heritage Foods Limited | 32nd Annual Report 2023-24

BRSR STRATEGIC REVIEW STATUTORY REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 105 HERITAGE FOODS LTD | 32ND ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24 4. Of the products and packaging reclaimed at end of life of products, amount (in metric tonnes) reused, recycled, and safely disposed, as per the following format: Particulars FY2024 FY2023 Re-used Re-cycled Safely Disposed Re-used Re-cycled Safely Disposed Plastics* (including packaging) • Plastic Scrap/Pre consumer waste 0 473.65 MT 473.65 MT 0 707.30 MT 707.30 MT • Post-Consumer Waste 0 4066.90 MT 4066.90 MT 0 2428.41 MT 2428.41 MT E-waste 0 0 0.80 MT 0 0 0.76 MT Hazardous waste 0 1.63 MT 1.63 MT 0 1.28 MT 1.28 MT Other waste - (ETP Sludge) 260.93 MT 0 260.93 MT 205.59 MT 0 205.59 MT 5. Reclaimed products and their packaging materials (as percentage of products sold) for each product category. Indicate product category Reclaimed products and their packaging materials as % of total products sold in respective category NA Principle 3: Business should respect and promote the wellbeing of all employees, including those in their value chains. Heritage is an organization that prioritizes its people, recognizing that employee well-being is crucial for driving productivity and overall success. The company is committed to fair employment practices and equal opportunities, ensuring that individuals with the necessary qualifications are given a fair chance to contribute. Moreover, Heritage places a strong emphasis on the health and safety of its employees. By embracing fair employment practices, Heritage cultivates a diverse and inclusive workforce, where every individual has an equal opportunity to thrive, fostering a sense of belonging, team performance, and innovation. Furthermore, Heritage values the well-being of its employees, understanding that a healthy and safe work environment is essential for engagement, motivation, and productivity. The company implements robust health and safety measures, continually striving to create a workplace that supports both physical and mental well-being. Essential indicators: 1. a. Details of measures for the wellbeing of employees: Category % of employees covered by Total (A) Health insurance Accident insurance Maternity benefits Paternity benefits Day Care facilities Number (B) % (B/A) Number (C) % (C/A) Number (D) % (D/A) Number (E) % (E/A) Number (F) % (F/A) Permanent employees Male 3163 3163 100 3163 100 0 0 3163 100 0 0 Female 62 62 100 62 100 62 100 0 0 62 100 Total 3225 3225 100 3225 100 62 1.90 3163 98.10 62 100 Other than Permanent employees Male 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Female 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0