Heritage Foods Limited | 32nd Annual Report 2023-24

BRSR STRATEGIC REVIEW STATUTORY REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 116 32ND ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24 | HERITAGE FOODS LTD Note: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external agency? (Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency. No independent assessment was carried out by any external agency. 2. Provide the following details related to water discharged: Parameter FY2024 FY2023 Water discharge by destination and level of treatment (in kilolitres) i) To Surface water 0 0 - No treatment 0 0 - With treatment – please specify level of treatment 0 0 (ii) To Groundwater 0 0 - No treatment 0 0 - With treatment – please specify level of treatment 790232.54 746011.71 (iii) To Seawater 0 0 - No treatment 0 0 - With treatment – please specify level of treatment 0 0 (iv) Sent to third-parties 0 - No treatment 0 0 - With treatment – please specify level of treatment 0 0 (v) Others 0 0 - No treatment 0 0 - With treatment – please specify level of treatment 0 0 Total water discharged (in kilolitres) 790232.55 746011.71 Note: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external agency? (Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency. No independent assessment was carried out by any external agency 5. Has the Company implemented a mechanism for Zero Liquid Discharge? If yes, provide details of its coverage and implementation. Yes, the Company is committed to reduce its environmental impact and preserve the planet for future generations. That’s why the Company has implemented a zero liquid discharge program, aimed at eliminating all liquid waste from our operations. Our program covers all aspects of our operations and is designed to minimize the release of harmful chemicals and other pollutants into the environment. The Company has invested in state-of-the-art effluent treatment plant and discharge systems and are constantly seeking new ways to improve our processes and reduce environmental impact. During our production process, the Company recycle effluent water used in our production facilities for washing milk storage tankers, crates, gardening etc. 6. Please provide details of air emissions (other than GHG emissions) by the Company, in the following format: Parameter Unit FY2024 FY2023 NOx µg/m3 22.14 24.73 SOx µg/m3 20.03 22.44 Particulate matter (PM) µg/m3 61.29 58.33 Persistent organic pollutants (POP) 0 0 0 Volatile organic compounds (VOC) 0 0 0 Hazardous air pollutants (HAP) 0 0 0 Others – please specify 0 0 0 Note: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external agency? (Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency. No independent assessment was carried out by any external agency.