Heritage Foods Limited | 32nd Annual Report 2023-24

135 HERITAGE FOODS LTD | 32ND ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24 MDA STRATEGIC REVIEW STATUTORY REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Particulars 2023 - 24 2022 - 23 FY 2024 Vs 2023 ` In Millions % of Revenue ` In Millions % of Revenue % of Growth Net Sales 37324.48 99.95 32072.53 99.96 16.38 Other operating income 18.97 0.05 14.22 0.04 33.40 Total Revenue 37343.45 100.00 32086.75 100.00 16.38 Less: Total Expenditure 35354.89 94.67 30736.67 95.79 15.03 Add: Other Income 119.29 0.32 113.48 0.35 5.12 Profit before Interest, Depreciation and Tax 2107.85 5.64 1463.56 4.56 44.02 Less: Finance costs 81.64 0.22 31.68 0.10 157.70 Depreciation & Amortization 584.32 1.56 538.50 1.68 8.51 Profit before tax and exceptional items 1441.89 3.86 893.38 2.78 61.40 Less: Exceptional items (167.95) (0.45) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Profit before tax 1273.94 3.41 893.38 2.78 42.60 Less: Provision for current taxation(Including taxation of earlier year) 356.68 227.07 57.08 Less: Provision for deferred taxation 6.88 7.42 (7.28) Profit / (Loss) after tax 910.38 2.44 658.89 2.05 38.17 Standalone Segment results: Particulars 2023 - 24 2022 - 23 FY 2024 Vs 2023 ` In Millions % of Revenue ` In Millions % of Revenue % of Growth 1. Total Revenue a. Dairy 37334.99 32079.87 16.38 b. Renewable energy 90.29 78.22 15.43 Total (a+b) 37425.28 32158.09 16.38 2. Inter-segment Revenue a. Dairy - - b. Renewable energy 81.83 71.34 14.70 Total (a+b) 81.83 71.34 14.70 3. External Revenue (Incl other operating income) a. Dairy 37334.99 32079.87 16.38 b. Renewable energy 8.46 6.88 22.96 Total (a+b) 37343.45 32086.75 16.38 4. Segment Results (Profit (+) / (Loss) (-) before tax and finance costs) a. Dairy 1481.28 3.97 899.97 2.81 64.59 b. Renewable energy 29.00 32.12 22.93 29.31 26.47 Total (a+b) 1510.28 4.04 922.90 2.88 63.65 Less: Finance Cost 81.64 31.68 Unallocable expenses 199.37 30.36 Add: Interest income 3.56 2.33 Unallocable income 41.11 30.19 Total Profit before Tax 1273.94 3.41 893.38 2.78 42.60 Segment wise Revenue Break-up : (`in Millions) 2023 - 24 2022 - 23 Dairy Finished goods sold Milk 22190.44 20517.53 Value Added Products 11011.20 9260.06 Fat Products 3045.85 1501.00 Skimmed Milk Powder 7.28 3.40 Total 36254.77 31281.99