Heritage Foods Limited | 32nd Annual Report 2023-24

Intellectual Capital Natural Capital Offering our customers superior quality product is at the heart of our intellectual capital. Internally, our intellectual capital is reinforced by our systems and processes that facilitate the day-today business. Focus areas include deployment of appropriate and effective process methodologies, data-driven insights, sector leading policies and processes, excellent governance standards, etc. We rely on natural resources, such as land, energy and water for our operations and we are mindful that we need to preserve them by mitigating potentially negative environmental impacts through responsible use. HOW WE CREATE AND PRESERVE VALUE USING INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL HOW WE CREATE AND PRESERVE VALUE USING NATURAL CAPITAL • Research and implement best practices in dairy • Focused on adhering to all internal policies and processes • Robust governance practices endorsed through awards by both national and international bodies 127 Trademarks registered in India One trademark registered in overseas • Un-compromised adherence to policies and processes, including EHS policy, etc. • Targets have been consistently achieved for reduction in water consumption, electricity use, etc. • Environmental awareness has been integrated into our training programs 5.40 MW Solar power generation capacity 6.30 MW Wind power generation capacity Managing Our Capitals STRATEGIC REVIEW STATUTORY REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 24 32ND ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24 | HERITAGE FOODS LTD