Heritage Foods Limited | 32nd Annual Report 2023-24

Consolidated STRATEGIC REVIEW STATUTORY REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 258 32ND ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24 | HERITAGE FOODS LTD 6. Property, Plant and Equipment and Right-of-use assets Freehold land Buildings Leasehold improvements Plant and Equipment Furniture and fixtures Office equipment Vehicles Total Right-ofuse assets Gross Block Balance as at 1 April 2022 527.25 1,990.79 3.13 4,600.99 33.48 110.76 66.50 7,332.90 122.87 Additions during the year * 21.98 114.13 75.89 403.36 23.58 57.72 6.41 703.07 297.51 Disposals/ transfers during the year 0.21 (2.00) 3.13 175.57 5.95 13.84 2.41 199.11 - Balance as at 31 March 2023 549.02 2,106.92 75.89 4,828.78 51.11 154.64 70.50 7,836.86 420.38 Additions during the year 6.80 246.00 1.86 1,066.36 8.14 27.29 8.51 1,364.96 100.35 Disposals/ transfers during the year 0.29 5.14 - 143.02 1.11 9.32 1.13 160.01 8.46 Balance as at 31 March 2024 555.53 2,347.78 77.75 5,752.12 58.14 172.61 77.88 9,041.81 512.27 Accumulated depreciation Up to 1 April 2022 - 291.08 0.75 1,319.16 16.51 48.14 20.54 1,696.18 55.07 Depreciation charge for the year - 82.36 1.59 384.65 5.07 17.85 9.40 500.92 44.62 Adjustment for disposals/ transfers - (1.69) 0.75 156.42 5.55 12.24 1.62 174.89 - Impairment loss - - - 1.54 0.07 0.47 - 2.08 - Up to 31 March 2023 - 375.13 1.59 1,548.93 16.10 54.22 28.32 2,024.29 99.69 Depreciation charge for the year - 88.69 4.88 408.53 7.01 20.51 9.41 539.03 57.24 Adjustment for disposals/ transfers - 1.39 - 121.78 0.91 7.70 0.83 132.61 8.46 Impairment loss - - - 5.96 0.11 0.61 - 6.68 - Up to 31 March 2024 - 462.43 6.47 1,841.64 22.31 67.64 36.90 2,437.39 148.47 Net carrying value As at 31 March 2023 549.02 1,731.79 74.30 3,279.85 35.01 100.42 42.18 5,812.57 320.69 As at 31 March 2024 555.53 1,885.35 71.28 3,910.48 35.83 104.97 40.98 6,604.42 363.80 Notes: (i) For details of assets pledged as security, refer note 18(a) to 18(b). (ii) The Group has recognised impairment loss on account of physical wear and tear of assets. (iii) *The Holding Company has purchased Property, plant and equipment amounting to ₹26.11 and intangible assets amounting to ₹1.00 from Suguna Dairy Private Limited under a business combination. (iv) The title deeds of all the immovable properties including investment properties held by the Group (other than properties where the Group is the lessee and the lease agreements are duly executed in favour of the lessee), are held in the name of the Group. Summary of the material accounting policies and other explanatory information (All amounts in ₹ millions, except share data and where otherwise stated)