Heritage Foods Limited | 32nd Annual Report 2023-24

Consolidated STRATEGIC REVIEW STATUTORY REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 296 32ND ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24 | HERITAGE FOODS LTD (ii) As at and for the year ended 31 March 2023: Name of the entity Net assets Share in profit or loss Share of OCI Share of total comprehensive income As a % of consolidated net assets Amount As a % of consolidated profit or loss Amount As a % of consolidated net assets Amount As a % of consolidated profit or loss Amount Parent Company Heritage Foods Limited 101.49% 7,366.98 113.66% 658.89 106.45% (2.97) 113.69% 655.92 Subsidiary Heritage Nutrivet Limited 5.62% 407.94 1.91% 11.08 (6.45)% 0.18 1.95% 11.26 Controlled trusts Heritage Employee Welfare Trust 0.00% - (0.01)% (0.04) 0.00% - (0.01)% (0.04) Joint venture Heritage Novandie Foods Private Limited 1.99% 144.14 (14.70)% (85.23) 0.00% - (14.77)% (85.23) Associate [Refer note 48] SKIL Raigam Power (India) Limited 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% - Non-controlling interest 0.00% - 0.01% 0.04 0.00% - 0.01% 0.04 Total 109.10% 7,919.06 100.87% 584.74 100.00% (2.79) 100.87% 581.95 Consolidation adjustments (9.10)% (660.39) (0.87)% (5.02) 0.00% - (0.87)% (5.02) Net amount 100.00% 7,258.67 100.00% 579.72 100.00% (2.79) 100.00% 576.93 The disclosure as above represents separate information for each of the consolidated entities before elimination of inter–company transactions. The net impacts on elimination of inter–company transactions/profits or (losses)/consolidation adjustments have been disclosed separately. Based on the Group structure, the management is of the view that the above disclosure is appropriate under the requirements of the Act. Summary of the material accounting policies and other explanatory information (All amounts in ₹ millions, except share data and where otherwise stated)