Heritage Foods Limited | 32nd Annual Report 2023-24

Consolidated STRATEGIC REVIEW STATUTORY REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 298 32ND ANNUAL REPORT 2023-24 | HERITAGE FOODS LTD Form AOC-1 (pursuant to first proviso to sub-section (3) of section 129 read with rule 5 of Companies (Accounts) Rules 2014) statement containing salient feature of the financial statements of subsidiaries/associate companies/joint ventures Part “A” Subsidiaries (All amounts in ₹ millions, except share data and where otherwise stated) S. No Name of the Subsidiary The Date since when subsidiary was acquired Reporting period for the subsidiary concerned if different from the holding company’s reporting period As at For the Year ended Share Capital Reserves & Surplus Total Assets Total Liabilities Investments Turnover Profit / (Loss) before taxation Provision for taxation (incl. Deferred Tax) Profit / (Loss) after Taxation Proposed Dividend Exten of Share Holding 1 Heritage Nutrivet Limited -Subsidiary 01.12.2008 As at/ Year Ended: 31.03.2024 Reporting period same 37.10 423.97 651.79 190.72 - 1,601.43 73.59 21.44 52.15 - 100 31.03.2022 Reporting period same 37.10 370.84 587.15 179.21 - 1,069.10 16.04 4.95 11.09 - 100 The Company has given corporate guarantee agreegating to Rs.80.00 Million for the credit facility availed by its wholly owned subsidiary Company namely M/s. Heritage Nutrivet Limited. The guarantee facility was discontinued with effect from 29 March 2024. Part “B” Associates / Joint Venture S. No Name of the Associate/Joint Venture Last Audited Balance sheet Date Date on which the Associate or Joint Venture was associated or acquired Shares of Associate/ Joint ventures held by the Company on the Year End Description of how there is significant influence Reason why the associate/Joint Venture is not consolidated Networth attributable to share holding as per latest audited Balance sheet Profit / (Loss) for the Year No of Shares Amount of Investment Extent of Holding (%) Considered in consolidation Not Considered in consolidation 1 Skill Raigam Power (India) Limited- (Associate)* 31.03.2024 2011-12 650000 6.50 43.33 N.A N.A - - (0.03) 31.03.2023 2011-12 650000 6.50 43.33 N.A N.A - - (0.03) 2 Heritage Novandie Foods Private Limited-(Joint Venture) # 31.03.2024 2017-18 6464727 409.45 50.00 N.A N.A 172.28 (65.42) (65.42) 31.03.2023 2017-18 5489727 311.95 50.00 N.A N.A 139.34 (85.64) (85.64) * SKIL Raigam Power (India) Limited has been declared as Dormant Company as per Section 455(2) of Companies Act, 2013 vide SRN No T42936765 dated 22.09.2021. Networth attributable to sharehodling as per balance sheet as on 31 March 2024 is ₹ 16.83 millions but disclosed as Nill, since the Company has already provided impairment loss to the extent of its equity shareholding of ₹ 6.50 millions. # Heritge Foods Limited has given corporate guarantee of ₹ 220 Million as at 31st March’2024 for the credit facilities availed by its Joint Venture Company namely M/s. Heritage Novandie Foods Private Limted and the outstanding amount of credit facilities as on March 31, 2024 was ₹ 63.55 Million For and on behalf of Board of Directors of Heritage Foods Limited N Bhuvaneswari N Brahmani M Sambasiva Rao Vice Chairperson and Executive Director President Managing Director DIN: 02338940 DIN: 00003741 Srideep Madhavan Nair Kesavan A Prabhakara Naidu Umakanta Barik Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary & M.No.FCA 200974 Compliance Officer M.No. FCS 6317 Place : Hyderabad Date : 29 May 2024