Salted Or Clarified – Which Is The Better Butter?
Butter is an essential ingredient in our cooking. It instantly elevates the flavour of the dishes. While salted butter blocks are a common sight, you must be wondering what is clarified butter?
Clarified butter is nothing but ghee. That’s right! Our most beloved Indian ingredient, ghee is nothing but a type of butter with just the healthy milk fats. So, here is everything you need to know about these butters to know which one is better.
Salted Butter
Salted butter is regular butter with a dash of salt. This is what you reach for to butter your breads, parathas, etc. Usually sold in blocks like Heritage Table Butter, this type of butter contains at least 80% milk fat and the rest is milk solids and water. And when we say milk fat, we mean the good type of fat that your body needs to function properly.
Clarified Butter
Now that you know it is ghee, let’s just call it that. Ghee is made by heating the butter slowly. During this process, the butter separates into three components, white milk, foam (evaporating water from the butter), and yellow liquid. This yellow liquid is the fat present in the milk. When you eat clarified butter, like Heritage Golden Cow Ghee, you are only consuming the good fat present in the butter and nothing else. It has a unique roasty flavour.
What’s better?
That depends on what you want to make. Both these butters are dairy products which means you are getting the nutrition of milk like protein, fats, and carbohydrates. But here’s the difference, if you are looking for a lower lactose content option that is easily digestible, go for ghee. If you are looking for a lower fat option, butter is the better alternative. While cooking with unsalted butter, be careful while adding salt to the dish as the butter is salty to begin with. Clarified butter or ghee has a higher smoking point which makes it ideal for high-heat cooking.
Salted or clarified, don’t miss out on the goodness of these dairy products. You can get both these nutritious butters delivered to your doorstep by installing the Heritage TUCH app or find Heritage Butter and Heritage Golden Cow Ghee at your nearest supermarket.